Saturday, January 28, 2012

Smoked Gouda Bacon Polenta

Every Southerner has heard stories of their parents or grandparents eating 'cornmeal mush' for dinner.
Every Southerner has been served 'grits' for breakfast somewhere, at some time. They're a southern staple comfort food, and nothing more so than cheese grits.

Meanwhile, polenta has been making a comeback at a lot of nicer restaurants.
Um, guess what polenta is? It's grits. Which is cornmeal mush.
Yup. You're paying top dollar for what's essentially grit boiled in milk, broth, or a combination, and made as cheese grits.

So here's my version of Southern Poor Food Haute Cuisine:

3 cups chicken broth (I use 'Better than Buillion' broth starter)
3 cups milk (we use whole)
1 tsp sea salt

Bring to a boil

Meanwhile, fry up

~5 slices of good quality bacon

and look through your freezer for vegetables you need to chop up and use.
We used

1/2 bag of broccoli/cauliflower blend
handful of frozen corn

Cook vegetables (we steam them in the microwave)

When the water is boiling, add

2 cups polenta/stone-ground grits

and turn the stove to low.
Stir semi-constantly.
When it's starting to thicken, chop up the bacon and veggies, and add them with

3/4 cup shredded smoked gouda cheese

Keep stirring until it's nice and thick.

Serve hot, but it can also be laid out on a flat pan, allowed to cool and semi-harden, then cut out to be fried the next day (preferably in grease from the bacon you just cooked)

We had this as a main dish, but it also makes a great side to a meat dish and a salad.

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